Geek Run
Since 2011 | Geek Run Website | Project with Emilie Tappolet and Raphaël Muñoz. Geek Run is a collaborative game played with physical cubes and a Kinect controller. The cubes don’t have any technology inside nor any electronic element, yet they become the interface between the player and the virtual world. By moving them in front of the Kinect, players control different functional elements on the screen.The lead character, a geek, follows a series of forking paths. By placing the cubes in the correct position, the geek avoids obstacles and/or opens up a new path in the game. As in a choose-your-own-adventure book, your choices open up new possibilities for gameplay. Thus, the game becomes a never-ending story with infinite number of worlds. This way, every time the installation is presented, the story and the paths are different.The idea is to ask different designers, students at a workshop, artists to continue this “Exquisite corpse” and to make the journey of our main character. One can choose a path that has not been used yet and decide where it leads next, and invent as many paths as they want. Crossroads can also be made between the different projects, and designs. Geek Run’s first version was presented at LIFT Geneva 2011. It was then adapted for the Foire du Valais (Swis Fair) to promote the local public transports. Tha last version started for ISMAR 2011.
The color detection was developed by Douglas Edric Stanley and one of his colleagues. The game engine was programmed by Raphaël Muñoz.